Membership Categories
Any person or corporation who supports the goals of the society may become a member by filling out the application form and paying the annual dues. A scientist or other scholar with appropriate credentials may apply to become a Member. Membership categories are active member, student member, and corporate member.
ACTIVE MEMBER ($95/year)
Open to any qualified scientist with an interest in nutraceuticals, functional foods, natural health products, and dietary supplements upon approval by the board or its designated membership committee. Active Member status includes a subscription and online access to the Society's Newsletter, access to a reduced rate for the subscription to the Journal of Functional Foods, and the Newsletter of the ISNFF.
Open to any student in a program leading to a degree. Student Member status includes a subscription to the Society's newsletter and access to a reduced rate for the subscription to the Journal of Functional Foods and the ISNFF newsletter. To be eligible for this category, applicants must send verification of student status from their advisor and expected year of graduation.
Maintaining Membership ($500/year)
Corporate membership is an important way to sustain the goals of the Society and, therefore, is greatly appreciated and encouraged. Corporations will receive numerous benefits, including a 10% reduction in the exhibition charge during the annual meeting of the Society, and will be mentioned in the conference booklet.
Membership Application
The membership application can be downloaded from the below link.
*Please complete and return the Membership Application Form to the ISNFF secretary at
Please note that all payments are non-refundable.