'ISNFF 2023 Program, Exhibitors & Sponsors Booklet'

has been released.! CLICK HERE to DOWNLOAD

 Welcome Message

 The International Society for Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods (ISNFF) is pleased to welcome you to the 15th International Conference and Exhibition on Nutraceuticals and Functional Foods, scheduled for December 10-13, 2023 at Sheraton Princess Kaiulana Hotel in Honolulu, Hawaii.

We have had a challenging few years due to the COVID-19 pandemic but resumed our in-person conference and exhibition last year in Istanbul, Turkey, with outstanding presentations and excellent participation from around the globe. 

At ISNFF Conferences and Exhibitions, there are annual awards for the Students’ Presentation Competition. The award is designed to encourage and highlight the relevant research carried out by students in different aspects of functional foods, nutraceuticals, and natural health products. The students who wish to participate in the competition must mention this on the abstract; from these, we select 20 based on their abstracts for 3 min flash presentation and a Q&A session. The students in this session will be informed of this when they pick up their conference material. On the basis of their delivery, a panel of judges will select a minimum of to receive the award that includes a plaque and a cheque. In addition, the Society has established the Fereidoon Shahidi Fellowship Award for an outstanding graduate student among the applicants/nominations. This year, the ISNFF is also having the Young Scientist Award, for those below the age of 40 and in their initial appointment and that includes a plaque and a cheque. Both the Fereidoon Shahidi and Young Scientist Award recipients will present their work during the conference. For relevant information on these awards please view the ISNFF website (www.isnff.org). 

Furthermore, there are Industry/Institution Merit Awards and Individual Merit Awards to recognize respective contributions to research and development and/or service to ISNFF. The society also has Fellow Award for 10+ years of members of the ISNFF for their exceptional R&D work and service to the ISNFF.

The exhibition at ISNFF complements its scientific meeting programs with products, services, and publications in the field of functional foods, nutraceuticals, and natural health products. For information about booth reservations, please complete the required form and contact ISNFF at isnffsecretary@gmail.com.

The sponsorship of the conference is open to interested parties at Platinum, Gold, Silver, and Bronze levels as well as Luncheon sponsorship that includes an opportunity for the sponsor(s) to make a presentation(s) for their products and services. For information about these opportunities and further information, please contact ISNFF at isnffsecretary@gmail.com.

We look forward to seeing you in Honolulu and trust that we can once again meet our friends and could make new ones. In addition to the scientific sessions, you may participate in optional technical and/or scenic tours on December 14, 2023. The Gala Dinner is an optional event, which includes traditional Hawaii performances.

Conference Organizers,

Dr. Fereidoon Shahidi, Dr. Bradley Bolling, and Dr. Ronald Pegg 


Young Scientist (Early Career) Award

The award will be presented for the first time in 2023.

The Award Consists of

A plaque,

Complimentary registration, and

USA $ 1,500 towards travel expenses. 


* The applicant/nominee must be below 40 years of age or within 10 years of their last degree graduation and in their initial appointment.

* The application of no longer than 2 pages must highlight exemplary achievements within the nutraceuticals and functional food area and be a member of ISNFF.

* Current curriculum vitae should be included along with 2 letters of support. 

* The recipient must be at the conference and give a presentation on their work.

Note: The package should be sent to Professor Chi-Tang Ho via ctho@sebs.rutgers.edu and copied to isnffsecretary@gmail.com.

 Honorary & Plenary Speakers

(In alphabetical order)

* Click on the images to display biographies.

  •  Dr. Chi-Tang Ho

    Plenary Speaker

    "Food Bioactives and their Metabolites"


  •  Dr. Colin Barrow

    "Sustainable Bioproducts to Promote a Circular Economy"


  •  Dr. Trust Beta

    "Polyamines in food systems: a focus on their role in plants and human health"


  •  Dr. Keith Cadwallader

    "Flavour Challenges in Functional Foods"


  •  Prof. Richard J. FitzGerald

    "Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou): A source of bioactive protein hydrolysates and peptides"


  •  Dr. You-Jin Jeon

    "Application of Fish Processing By-products in Human Muscle Growth Functional Ingredients to Protect against Sarcopenia"


  •  Dr. Bo Jiang

    "New Non-reducing Dextrin Inhibits Maillard Reaction and Protects Drugs"


  •  Mr. Chris Krueger

    "Fraudsters Beware: Orthogonal Analytic Approaches to Prevent Adulteration of Nutraceuticals"


  •  Dr. Grant Pierce

    "Making the Case for Flaxseed as an Ideal Dietary Supplement "


  •  Dr. Kenji Sato

    "Bioactive Peptides in Food: High Activity upon Digestion but Low Bioavailability – Why?"


  •  Dr. Liangli (Lucy) Yu

    "Nutraceuticals and functional foods in reducing the risk of COVID 19"


  •  Dr. Chin-Kun Wang

    "Black Raspberry Improves Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Alzheimer Disease"


 Information for Presenters and Exhibitors

 1. All presenters must submit their presentation to the ISNFF speaker room/office at the hotel the day before or 3 hours prior to their presentation. Presentations are for 20 min, including Q/A, except for plenaries that are for 30 min

2. Posters should be prepared in the portrait style with preferred dimensions 3ft X 4ft (90cm X 120cm) but not larger than 4ft X 5ft (120cm X 150 cm)

Posters should be set up by no later than 8:00 AM on December 11. Poster removal should be completed by no later than 12:00 noon on December 13 Poster presenters are expected to be present at the designated time (see Program at a glance)

3. Exhibition Booths are 10ft X 10ft (300cm X 300cm). Each booth will have a table and 2 chairs.

Exhibit hours are 8 AM to 5 PM on December 11 and 12

Exhibitors should set up their booth by no later than 8 AM on December 11 and remove by no later than 12:00noon on December 13

Flash talks are each for 5 min including 2 min for Q/A. Must use only 1-3 slides.



Moderators: Bradley Bolling (USA) & Cesarettin Alasalvar (Türkiye)
PL1 #167 Sustainable Bioproducts to Promote a Circular Economy
Colin Barrow - Deakin University (Australia)
PL2 #142 Bioactive Peptides in Food: High Activity upon Digestion but Low Bioavailability – Why?
Kenji Sato - Kyoto University (Japan)
PL3 #65 Fraudsters Beware: Orthogonal Analytic Approaches to Prevent Adulteration of Nutraceuticals
Christian Krueger – Complete Phytochemical Solution, LLC (USA)
Moderators: Ronald Pegg (USA) & Jerzy Zawistowski (Canada)
PL4 #166 Flavor Challenges in Functional Foods Research
Keith Cadwallader - University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (USA
PL5 #67 Black Raspberry Improves Helicobacter Pylori Infection and Alzheimer Disease
Chin-Kun Wang - Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan)
PL6 #213 Application of Fish Processing By-products in Human Muscle Growth Functional Ingredients to Protect against Sarcopenia
You-Jin Jeon - Jeju National University (Korea)
Moderators: Chin-Kung Wang (Taiwan) & Colin Barrow (Australia)
PL7 #212 Making the Case for Flaxseed as an Ideal Dietary Supplement
Grant Pierce – University of Manitoba (Canada
PL8 #176 New Non-reducing Dextrin Inhibits Maillard Reaction and Protects Drugs
Bo Jiang - Jiangnan University (China)
PL9 #214 Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou): A source of bioactive protein hydrolysates and peptides.
Richard Fitzgerald - University of Limerick (Ireland)


 Session 1: Polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and others - I

Moderators: Rong Tsao (Canada) & Charles Hu (USA)
O1 #93 The polyphenolic profile of whole garlic plants depends on the harvesting time
Jerzy Zawistowski – University of British Columbia (Canada)
O2 #39 Molecular mechanisms of theaflavins-stimulated glucagon like peptide-1 secretion from enteroendocrine L-cells
Kevin Odongo – Kobe University (Japan)
O3 #80 Dietary polyphenols beyond being antioxidants: their preventive effect on low-grade chronic inflammation-associated metabolic disorders
Rong Tsao – Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada (Canada)
O4 #150 Modulation of the immune-metabolic phenotype through a high phenolic potato diet
Sahar Toulabi – Colorado State University (USA
O5 #190 Combination of two natural product compounds showed promising therapeutic effect against Alzheimer’s disease and related dementia
Rui Chang – University of Arizona (USA)
O6 #82 The applications of carotenoids in dietary supplement and evaluation of bioaccessibility with in vitro upper gastrointestinal track model
Charles (Chun) Hu – Amway (USA)

 Session 2: Proteins, peptides, and beyond - I

Moderators: Rotimi Aluko (Canada) & Jianping Wu (Canada)
O7 #174 Computational biology assisted approach in the discovery of dietary peptides with angiotensin enzyme-I inhibitory activity
Kaustav Majumder – University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA)
O8 #118 Blood pressure-reducing effect of hemp proteins and peptides: A randomized placebo-controlled human intervention trial
Rotimi Aluko – University of Manitoba (Canada)
O9 #107 Rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) as source of multifunctional peptides with antioxidant, ACE and DPP-IV inhibitory activities
Carmen Lammi – Universita Degli Studi di Milano (Italy)
O10 #101 Co-administration of collagen hydrolysate (CH) and rice protein hydrolysate (RPH) increases the bioavailability of Pro-Hyp in rat blood plasma
Sri Wijanarti – Kyoto University (Japan)
O11 #36 Tripeptide IRW regulates E-cadherin/Snail signaling pathway via ACE2 in spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHRs)
Jianping Wu – University of Alberta (Canada)
O12 #66 Chicken muscle protein-derived peptide VVHPKESF reduces TNFα-induced inflammation and oxidative stress in human vascular endothelial cells
Hongbing Fan – University of Kentucky (USA)

 Session 3: Clinical and pre-clinical studies, formulations, and marketing

Moderators: Hitoshi Ashida (Japan) & Yuan Soon Ho (Taiwan)
O13 #8 The effect of supplementation with milk fat globule membranes on psychological health: a randomized clinical trial in healthy adults with moderate stress
Naomi Davies – The University of Auckland (New Zealand)
O14 #72 Efficacy and safety of a novel dietary pyrroloquinoline quinone disodium salt (mnemoPQQ®) on muscle strength and physical function in healthy volunteers: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study
Yoshiaki Shiojima – Ryasendo Co, Ltd (Japan)
O15 #58 A gallotannin-enriched Galla rhois extract (GRE) boosts brain functions in healthy volunteers: A randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial
Christopher Baker – Global Clinicals Inc. (USA)
O91 #151 Anthocyanins-rich butterfly pea flower extract protecting the gut integrity and ameliorating low-grade inflammation
Hua Zhang – Jiangxi University of Traditional Chinese Medicine (China)
O16 #183 Physicians’ perspective regarding direct to consumer marketing of nutraceuticals products
Kamran Ali Zaman – PharmEvo and Institute fir Business Management (Pakistan)

 Session 4: Nutraceuticals and functional foods – Symposium in honor of Professor Chi-Tang Ho - I

Moderators: Min-Hsiung Pan (Taiwan) & Zhen-Yu Chen (Hong Kong)
O17 #209 Food Bioactives and Their Metabolites
Chi-Tang Ho – Rutgers University (USA
O18 #207 Promises and challenges in developing functional foods and nutraceuticals
Fereidoon Shahidi – Memorial University (Canada)
O19 #71 Molecular mechanisms of disease prevention via natural dietary phytochemicals
Min-Hsiung Pan – National Taiwan University (Taiwan)
O20 #40 Quercetin inhibits truncated isoform of dopamine- and cAMP-regulated phosphoprotein as adjuvant treatment for Trastuzumab therapy resistance in HER2-positive breast cancer
Yuan Soon Ho - China Medical University (Taiwan)
O21 #170 Oxidized Cholesterol increases the susceptibility of colitis in mice by causing gut microbiota dysbiosis
Zhen-Yu Chen – Chinese University of Hong Kong (Hong Kong)
O22 #31 The role of dietary methylglyoxal exposure in accelerating Alzheimer's disease pathogenesis and the preventive potential of citrus flavonoid supplementation
Chia-Cheng Wei - National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

 Session 5: Polyphenols, flavonoids, carotenoids, and others - II

Moderators: Kacie Ho (USA) & Malendez-Martinez (Spain)
O23 #18 Preventive effects of dietary fucoxanthin against ultraviolet A-induced skin photoaging in hairless mice
Shuyu Liu – Kyoto University (Japan)
O24 #38 Induction mechanism of antioxidant enzymes in the liver by luteolin
Hitoshi Ashida - Kobe University (Japan)
O25 #42 An overview of research for the production of healthy carotenoid-rich products in the sustainability era
Antonio J. Meléndez-Martínez – Universidad de Sevilla (Spain)
O26 #206 Catechin concentration influences the non-adsorbed fraction, physical, and chemical stability of pea protein oil-in-water emulsions
Kacie Ho - University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA)
O27 #5 Protein-shellac nanoparticles as a delivery vehicle for resveratrol
Lingyun Chen – University of Alberta (Canada)
O28 #148 Polyamines in food systems: A focus on their role in plants and human health
Trust Beta - University of Manitoba (Canada)

 Session 6: Proteins, peptides, and beyond - II

Moderators: Jianping Wu (Canada) & Rotimi Aluko (Canada)
O29 #60 Food-derived bioactive peptides-past, today and future perspective
Yoshinori Mine – University of Guelph (Canada)
O30 #2 Protein quality and physico-chemical properties of a fermented beverage with probiotic bacteria and enriched with pea and rice protein
Monique Lacroix - INRS Armand Frappier Health Biotechnology (Canada)
O31 #13 Dietary Alaska pollock protein exerts superior protective effects against age-related short-term memory decline in senescence-accelerated mice
Ryota Hosomi – Kansai University (Japan)
O32 #16 Elucidating the beneficial health effect of anti-inflammatory peptides derived from jack bean (Canavalia ensiformis (L.) DC) protein hydrolysates
Bambang Dwi Wijatniko - Hiroshima University (Japan)
O33 #27 Mechanism of hydroxyproline-containing peptide cyclization after ingestion of collagen peptide
Yu Iwasaki – Kasei University (Japan)
O34 #43 Pea protein-derived peptide as a potent protease inhibitor and Type 2 taste receptors T2R14 blocker
Deepak Kadam - University of Manitoba (Canada)

 Session 7: Gut microbiome and probiotics, and controlled release 

Moderators: Moderators: Having Xiao (USA) & Hongbin Fan (USA)
O35 #201 Interplay between food and gut microbiome: Critical roles in human health
Hang Xiao – University of Massachusetts (USA)
O36 #99 Effect of fermented food products as a vitamin K dietary source on the microbiota in ApoE/LDLR-/- mice
Renata B. Kostogrys - University of Agriculture in Krakow (Poland)
O37 #199 Improving survival of probiotic cultures during spray-drying via modification of encapsulants with ultra high pressure homogenization
George Cavender - Clemson University (USA)
O38 #23 Aqueous condition-tolerated high internal phase oil-in-water pickering emulsion for 3d printing of hydrogel for controlled release
Qingye Lu - University of Calgary (Canada)

 Session 8: Functional foods in health and wellness

Moderators: Wallace Yokoyama (YSA) & Depika Dave (Canada)
O39 #169 Kidney beans and ground beef burgers beduce plasma and liver lipids in hamsters fed high-fat diets
Wallace Yokoyama – USDA (US)
O40 #55 A critical assessment of the whole plant-based phytotherapeutics from Withania somnifera with respect to safety and efficacy vis-a-vis leaf or root extract-based formulation
Pawan Kumar - Chemical Resources - CHERESO (India)
O41 #30 Nutritional Yeast and lentils: novel functional ingredients in healthy extruded snacks
Jose Berrios - USDA (USA)
O42 #116 From fermentation to dried snack: The journey of beetroot into functional chips
Magdalena Zielinska - University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland

 Session 9: Fiber, minerals, and phytonutrients: Effects and health

Moderators: Kazuo Miyashita (Japan) & Heather Burke (Canada)
O43 #1 The role of dietary fibre intake and fibre intervention on depressive and anxiety outcomes: A systematic review and meta-analysis of observational studies and randomised controlled trials
Hajara Aslam - Deakin University (Australia)
O44 #79 Calcium ions exert longevity effects on Caenorhabditis elegans through the CKK-1/CMK-1/UNC-43/DAF-16 signaling mechanisms
Nae-Cherng Yang - Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan)
O45 #51 Development and validation of a novel tool to assess sodium intake for heart disease prevention in a multiethnic population
Jinan Banna – University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA)
O46 #53 Detection and enhancement of cycloartenyl ferulate content, a component of γ-Oryzanol in poultry eggs
Yasutaka Shigemura - Tokyo Kasei University (Japan)
O47 #54 A plant-based multivitamin and mineral supplementation containing phytonutrients enhances the DNA repair response to metabolic challenges
Jina Hong - Amway (USA)

 Session 10: Bioactive and products from tree nuts and their health effects

Moderators: Elena Hemler (USA) & Guangwei Huang (USA)
O48 #164 Emerging research on almonds: gut functionality, skin health and physical performance
Elena Hemler – Almond Board of California (USA)
O49 #187 Hazelnut: Nutrients, Bioactives and Health Benefits
Cesarettin Alasalvar - TUBITAK, (Turkiye)
O50 #203 Static in vitro gastrointestinal digestion of pecan phenolics: Effect on their antioxidant activity
Ronald Pegg – University of Georgia (USA)
O51 #193 Walnut and heartnut in heart health and beyond
Fereidoon Shahidi - Memorial University (Canada)
O52 #123 Nut consumption and cancer prevention
Bradley Bolling – University of Wisconsin (USA)
O53 #162 Almond hulls for upcycled food applications
Guangwei Huang - Almond Board of California (USA)

 Session 11: Aquatic products/ by-products and seaweeds as sources of bioactives and functional food ingredients

Moderators: Yvonne Yuan (Canada) & Christofera Hanny Wijaya (Indonesia)
O54 #194 Techno-economic considerations of a green chemistry ocean-based biorefinery model for the valorization of Snow crab (Chionoecetes opilio) processing discards
Heather Burke – Marine Institute of Memorial University (Canada)
O55 #186 Atlantic Sea cucumber byproducts transformation and full value chain maximization
Deepika Dave - Marine Institute of Memorial University (Canada)
O56 #205 Evaluation of the quality of commercial krill oil products in Korea
Eun Joo Song - Busan Metropolitan City Inst. of Health and Environment (Korea)
O57 #192 Seaweeds as green biomass for functional foods and feeds
Kazuo Miyashita – Hokkaido Bunkyo University (Japan)
O58 #117 Cultivated edible red seaweeds as functional foods and sources of nutraceuticals
Yvonne Yuan - Toronto Metropolitan University (Canada)

 Session 12: Nutraceuticals and functional foods – Symposium in honor of Professor Chi-Tang Ho - II

Moderators: Min-Hsiung Pan (Taiwan & Zhen-Yu Chen (Hong Kong)
O59 #63 Tocotrienol-rich extract ameliorates cognitive behavioral impairment induced by methylglyoxal
Yu-Kuo Chen – National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
O60 #26 Antiglycative effects of rooibos against advanced glycation end products formation in a bovine serum albumin model and cookies
Wei-Lun Hung - Taipei Medical University (Taiwan)
O61 #75 Toxic effect of the silver nanoparticles with different shape in food packaging materials triggered-autophagy dysfunction in liver
Ying-Jan Wang – National Keng Kung University (Taiwan)
O62 #177 Development and functional assessments of edible coating on dried pineapple exposed to blanching and other processing ways
Yung-Lin Chu - National Pingtung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
O63 #97 The investigation of water temperature for tea liquid quality and degradation of the tea flavor in fenton-type reaction systems
Chih-Yu Lo – National Chiyai Unversity (Taiwan)
O64 #103 Antiviral effect of natural herbal extracts against respiratory-associated viruses
Bo Kai Chen - Ching Shan Medical University (Taiwan)
O106 #210 Chemical compositions of the selected spice extracts and their potentials in suppressing the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein-ACE2 binding, inhibiting ACE2, and scavenging free radicals
Liangli Yu - University of Maryland (USA)

 Session 13: Proteins, peptides, and beyond - III

(In honor of Dr. Yoshinori Mine on the Occasion of his Retirement)

Moderators: Rotimi Aluko (Canada) & Bo Jiang (China)
O65 #49 Bitter taste receptor sensitization and desensitization by food protein-derived peptides
Prashen Chelikani – (University of Manitoba (Canada)
O66 #74 Autoclaving treatment of soy protein isolate partially modifies amino acids residue and consequently reduces available amino acids
Tomoko Asai - Nara Women’s University (Japan)
O67 #45 Physicochemical and functional properties of cereal albumin
Kazumi Ninomiya – Gunma University (Japan)
O68 #188 D-allulose reduces postprandial glucose absorption in small intestine by competitive binding to glucose transport sites
Bo Jiang - Jiangnan University (China)
O69 #126 The potential of fermented soybeans (Japanese natto) and its derived peptides for preventing cognitive decline
Shigeru Katayama – Shinshu University (Japan)
O70 #120 Evaluation of a low-glucose gluten-free bread made from cassava (Manohit esculenta) and lupine (Lupinus mutabilis Sweet)
Pedro Maldonado - National Polytechnique School (Ecuador)

 Session 14: Encapsulation, delivery system, and bioavailability 

Moderators: Nandika Bandara (Canada) & Charlene Van Buiten (USA)
O71 #173 Layered double emulsion system for improving encapsulation efficiency and emulsion properties of Salmo salar protein hydrolysates
Nandika Bandara – University of Manitoba (Canada)
O72 #163 Bio-based conjugates and block copolymers for encapsulation and controlled delivery of biomolecules and therapeutics
Aman Ullah - University of Alberta (Canada)
O73 #197 A new green approach to forming curcumin particles with improved bioactivity and bioavailability using bioaerogels and supercritical fluid technology
Ozan Ciftci – University of Nebraska-Lincoln (USA)
O74 #181 3D printing of plant protein gels and bioactive delivery
Roopesh Syamaladevi - University of Alberta (Canada)
O75 #165 Protein-polyphenol interactions for health promotion and disease prevention
Charlene Van Buiten – Colorado State University (USA)
O76 #144 Ultrasound-assisted novel double emulsion containing grape pomace polyphenols as a delivery system to encapsulate vitamin E and omega-3 for food and dietary supplement applications
Farah Hosseinian - Carlton University (Canada)

 Session 15: Obesity, diabetes, and metabolic syndrome

Moderators: Debasis Bagchi (USA) & Pawan Kumar (India)
O77 #61 Interplay between insulin resistance and body fat mass in evolution of perturbations linked to the metabolic syndrome in non-diabetics: Emphasis on inflammatory factors
Debasis Bagchi – Adelphi University (USA)
O78 #62 Safety and efficacy of GCB-70, a standardized green coffee bean extract, in healthy weight management and ameliorating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in male and female human volunteers
Manashi Bagchi – Dr Herbs LLC (USA)
O79 #57 A randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind clinical investigation to evaluate the efficacy of a novel, proprietary Trigonella Foenum-graecum extract, in type 2 diabetics
Pawan Kumar - Chemical Resources -CHERESO (India)
O80 #121 Anti-obesity and metabolic health impact of Devaleraea mollis and Pyropia spp. in Western diet-induced obese C57BL/6J Mice
Jung Kwon – Oregon State University (USA)
O81 #59 Phytochemicals in remodeling of adipose tissue microenvironment: A therapeutic avenue in fighting obesity
Ranjana Das Mondal – Jadavpur University (India)

 Session 16: Berries, small fruits, and by-products in health and disease 

Moderators: Adrian de Camargo (Chile) & Farah Hosseinian (Canada)
O82 #195 Effect of ohelo berry (Vaccinium calycinum) on the survival of Salmonella Typhimurium during in vitro gastrointestinal digestion
Biyu Wu – University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA)
O83 #184 Antioxidant properties of soluble and insoluble-bound phenolics from by-products of selected native berries
Adriano de Camargo - University of Chile (Chile)
O84 #139 Bioavailability of a novel aronia berry polyphenol extract: rationale and methods of a single-blind, randomized, controlled, four-arm crossover pilot trial in healthy adults
Yifan (Klay) Liu – University of Wisconsin (USA)
O85 #73 Improvement of black raspberry on helicobacter pylori infection and amyloid-β toxicity
Yohanes Tandoro - Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan)
O86 #196 Anti-infection and anti-inflammation properties of ohelo berry (Vaccinium calycinum) extract against Salmonella Typhimurium
Biyu Wu – University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA)

 Session 17: Extracts, herbal, and others

Moderators: Charles Hu (USA) & Kaustav Majumder (USA)
O87 #21 Development of chewable tablet with herbal extracts and propolis against Wuhan and Omicron variants of SARS-CoV-2 virus
Cesarettin Alasalvar – TÜBİTAK Marmara Research Center (Türkiye)
O88 #24 Improving the acceptability of functional candy based on a scientific approach
Christofora Hanny Wijaya – Bogor Agricultural University (Indonesia)
O89 #204 Investigation of the hypocholesterolemic activity of an innovative nano-phytocomplex
Lorenza d'Adduzio – University of Milan (Italy)
O90 #100 Chrysanthemum, from traditional practice to scientific innovation
Eric Du – Amway (China)

 Session 18: Flash talks

Moderators: Fereidoon Shahidi (Canada) & Ronald Pegg (USA)
O91 #28 Tetrahydrocurcumin improve GLP-1 secretion in the intestinal L cells after di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure: Implication in the treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus
Choirul Anwar - National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)
O92 #140 Bioavailability of a novel aronia berry polyphenol extract: rationale and methods of a single-blind, randomized, controlled, four-arm crossover pilot trial in healthy adults
Yifan (Klay) Liu - University of Wisconsin-Madison (USA)
O93 #108 Effects of long-term administration of buckwheat starch on cognitive function and gut microbiota in a senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8, SAMP8
Noriki An – Shinshu University (Japan)
O94 #11 Novel utilization of green tea waste (used tea leaves) for a fermented functional food
JKieko Saito - University of Shizuoka (Japan)
O95 #22 Cognitive function in response to a pecan-enriched meal
Alyssa Guadagni – University of Georgia (USA)
O96 #17 Cottonseed oil diet enrichment offers protection from worsening post-meal angiopoietin-like proteins compared to olive oil in adults with dyslipidemia.
Mary Catherine Prater – University of Georgia (USA)
O97 #112 Structure, content and bioavailability of food-derived γ-glutamyl peptides in rat body and their effect on innate immunity
Yudi Rahmadian – Kyoto University (Japan)
O98 #70 Purification and structural characterization of sulfated polysaccharides obtained from brown algae, Sargassum binderi
Sang-Woon Lee – Jeju National University (Korea)
O99 #39 Molecular mechanisms of theaflavins-stimulated glucagon like peptide-1 secretion from enteroendocrine L-cells
Kevin Odongo – Kobe University University (Japan)
O100 #18 Preventive effects of dietary fucoxanthin against ultraviolet A-induced skin photoaging in hairless mice
Shuyu Liu – Kyoto University (Japan)
O101 #103 Antiviral effect of natural herbal extracts against respiratory-associated viruses
Bo Kai Chen – Chung Shan Medical University (Taiwan)
O102 #155 Potential functional food applications of grape leaf extracts: Vasorelaxation, cardiorenal improvement, and inflammation modulation by grape leaf extracts
Hyu Yoom Kim – Wonkwang University (Korea)
O103 #27 Mechanism of hydroxyproline-containing peptide cyclization after ingestion of collagen peptide
Yu Iwasaki – Tokyo Kasei University (Japan)
O104 #104 Anti-obesity effects of the acid-treated mandarin peel extract in high-fat diet-induced obese mice
Yoonjeong Kim – Kyungsung University (Korea)
O105 #77 Stabilization of an algal oil with tocopherols and phospholipids from krill oil
Abrehem Abad – Memorial University of Newfoundland (Canada)



 P1 - #200 - Anticancer effects of cordycepin in FGF9-induced mouse Leydig cells upon tumorigenesis

Bu-Miin Huang – National Cheng Kung University (Taiwan)

P2 - #168 - Antioxidant ingredient ergothioneine reduces the side effects of oxaliplatin in cancer

Kazunori Kato – Toyo University (Japan)

P3 - #202 - Resveratrol enhances sulfasalazine-induced ferroptosis of cancer cells

Takumu Yamada – Toyo University (Japan)

P4 - #76 - Suppression of cuttlefish melanin on invasion and migration of human colorectal cancer cells

Shu-Ling Hsieh – National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

 Inflammation/ oxidative stress

 P5 - #171 - Auraptene prevents the damage of human vascular endothelial cells induced by excessive heat stress

Kazunori Kato – Toyo University (Japan)

P6 - #189 - The antioxidant effect of pasta made exclusively from yellow peas in healthy people

Mamoru Ito – Mizkan Holdings Co., Ltd. (Japan)

P7 - #149 - JBB20, the food grade ingredient shows excellent therapeutic effect in cleaning up liver diseases compared with Silymarin or milk thistle

SongHae Bok – Bionutrigen Co., Ltd. (Korea)

P8 - #127 - Fermented Protaetia brevitarsis larvae improves hepatic inflammation and steatosis via TLR-4/NF-κB and AMPK pathways in chronic ethanol-induced mice

Hyo Lim Lee – Gyeongsang National University (Korea)

P9 - #96 - Evaluation of the antioxidant and antiglycation properties of the thearubigins and theabrownins fractions in TTES No. 18 tea

Chih-Yu Lo – National Chiayi University (Taiwan)

P10 - #3 - Effects of traditional Okinawan vegetable extracts on inflammatory edema in acute and chronic inflammation animal models, and their possible mechanism by RAW264 cells

Junichi Nagata – Fukuoka Institute of Technology (Japan)

P11 - #69 - Antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activities of marine microorganisms (bacteria, fungus, microalgae) collected in South Korea

Hyo-Geun Lee – Jeju National University (Korea)

P12 - #185 - Soluble-free, esterified, etherified, and insoluble-bound phenolic fractions from walnut plant-based beverage residue and their antioxidant activity

Adriano de Camargo – University of Chile (Chile)

P13 - #89 - Anti-inflammatory activity of β-casein peptides in the DSS-induced inflammatory bowel disease mice model

Lina Zhang – Jiangnan University (China)

 Immune function and gut microbiota

 P14 - #124 - Effect of Curcuma longa L. leaf hot water extract in type I allergic responses and its biological mechanism

Ginnae Ahn – Chonnam National University (Korea)

P15 - #68 - Immuno-enhancing effect of fucoidan isolated from non-edible brown seaweed Sargassum thunbergii in in vitro study

Kyung Yuk Ko – Jeju National University (Korea)

P16 - #147 - Curative effect of beta vulgaris (beetroot) in indomethacin induced peptic ulcer in Wistar rats

Akanya Helmina – Federal University of Technology (Nigeria)

P17 - #112 - Structure, content and bioavailability of food-derived γ-glutamyl peptides in rat body and their effect on innate immunity

Yudi Rahmadian – Kyoto University (Japan)

P18 - #85 - Altered microbiome and metabolome features provide clues in understanding strain-specific regulation of Streptococcus thermophilus in host

Xiaoming Liu – Jiangnan University (China)

P19 - #47 - Collagen from sturgeon cartilage and tilapia skin ameliorates inflammatory patterns of macrophages under high glucose conditions by modulation of integrin

Mei-Ling Tsai – National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

P20 - #19 - Different effects of ceramide aminoethyl phosphonate from scallops and sphingomyelin from egg yolk on gut microbiota in mice

Koki Sugimoto – Toyo University (Japan)

 Cognition and aging

 P21 - #128 - Protective effect of Allium ochotense extract on alcohol-induced cognitive impairment in C57BL/6 mice

Min Ji Go – Gyeongsang National University (Korea)

P22 - #22 - Cognitive function in response to a pecan-enriched meal

Alyssa Guadagni – University of Georgia (USA)

P23 - #108 - Effects of long-term administration of buckwheat starch on cognitive function and gut microbiota in a senescence-accelerated mouse prone 8, SAMP8

Noriki An – Shinshu University (Japan)

P24 - #15 - The potential anti-aging effects of pomelo peel water extracts in Caenorhabditis elegans

Chia-Cheng Wei – National Taiwan University (Taiwan)


P25 - #105 - Protective effect of Schizonepeta tenuifolia Briq. ethanolic extract against UVB-induced skin aging and photodamage in hairless mice

Sang Keun Ha – Korea Food Research Institute (Korea)

P26 - #33 - Synergistic protective effect of nicotinamide and Agastache rugosa water extract against photoaging in human skin fibroblast

Huijn Heo – Chungbuk National University (Korea)

P27 - #137 - Fucoidan refined from Saccharina japonica ameliorates fine dust-induced inflammation in fine dust (FD)-stimulated human keratinocytes and TPA-induced ear edema in mice

Ginnae Ahn – Chonnam National University (Korea)


 P28 - #92 - Search for proteins that inhibit postprandial blood glucose elevation in rice bran.

Nao Matsubara – Nihon University (Japan)

P29 - #90 - The hypoglycemic effect of goat milk peptide

Lina Zhang – Jiangnan University (China)

P30 - #138 - Hypoglycemic, hypolipidemic and toxicological effects of Citrullus lanatus (watermelon) and Carica papaya (pawpaw) seed oils and flours in rats

Funmilola Adefolalu – African Centre of Excellence for Mycotoxins and Food Safety/Federal University of Technology (Nigeria)

P31 - #46 - Tetrahydrocurcumin ameliorates GLP-1 secretion to induce glucose-stimulated insulin secretion in beta cells after chronic high glucose and di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate exposure

Ching-Shu Lai – National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

P32 - #37 - Anti-diabetic activity of oat avenanthramides in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells

Junsoo Lee – Chungbuk National University (Korea)

P33 - #20 - Restorative properties of P. alba extract against pancreatic β-cell destruction and hyperlipidemia in streptozotocin-rat model of Type 2 diabetes mellitus

Tawakaltu Abdul Rasheed-Adeleke – Federal University of Technology (Nigeria)

P34 - #84 - Dose-dependent effects of xylooligosaccharides on glycemic regulation with L. rhamnosus CCFM1060 in diabetic mice

Xiaoming Liu – Jiangnan University (China)

 Cardiovascular and metabolic health

 P35 - #94 - Pu-erh tea extract protects against doxorubicin-induced cachexia

Chih-Yu Lo – National Chiayi University (Taiwan)

P36 - #4 - Cholesterol metabolism is modulated by short-term administration of Oligonol, a highly bioavailable source of low–molecular weight procyanidins rich products extracted from lychee fruit, in rats

Kyoichi Osada – Meiji University (Japan)

P37 - #91 - Inhibition of adipocyte differentiation and fat accumulation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes by grains-oolong tea fermenting beverage

Chih-Chung Wu – Providence University (Taiwan)

P38 - #155 - Potential functional food applications of grape leaf extracts: Vasorelaxation, cardiorenal improvement, and inflammation modulation by grape leaf extracts

Hye Yoom Kim – Wonkwang University (Korea)

P39 - #208 - Role of Omega-3 fatty acid in adipocyte remodeling

Radha Raman Raj – University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA)

P40 - #129 - Screening of potential lactic acid bacteria strains with anti-obesity activity

Je-Ruei Liu – National Taiwan University (Taiwan)

P41 - #104 - Anti-obesity effects of the acid-treated mandarin peel extract in high-fat diet-induced obese mice

Yoonjeong Kim – Kyungsung University (Korea)

P42 - #34 - Unsaponifiable matter from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) seed suppresses adipogenesis and increase thermogenesis in 3T3-L1 adipocytes

Keono Kim – Andong National University (Korea)

P43 - #87 - A Herb mixture to ameliorate non-alcoholic fatty liver in rat fed a high-fat diet

Donghwan Kim – Korea Food Research Institute (Korea)

P44 - #17 - Cottonseed oil diet enrichment offers protection from worsening post-meal angiopoietin-like proteins compared to olive oil in adults with dyslipidemia

Mary Catherine Prater – University of Georgia (USA)

P45 - #56 - Dietary tetrahydrocurcumin alleviates prenatal exposure to di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate induces hepatic damage in high-fat-diet-fed mice F1 male offspring

Meng Han Liu – National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology (Taiwan)

P46 - #32 - Lactosucrose, an indigestible oligosaccharide, promotes the absorption of anthocyanins and strengthens inhibition of liver lipid peroxidation by anthocyanins in rats

Rika Miyazawa – Fuji Women's University (Japan)

P47 - #29 - Postprandial urolithin response to a pecan enriched meal

Gabriela Brocca – University of Georgia (USA)

P48 - #25 - Assessing the ability of dihydrosterculic acid to activate PPARα

Leah Halls – University of Georgia (USA)

 Other chronic diseases and toxicity

 P49 - #6 - Geniposide attenuates muscle atrophy by inhibiting FoxO1 in senescence-accelerated mouse prone-9

Chang Hwa Jung – Korea Food Research Institute (Korea)

P50 - #83 - Different toxic mechanisms of advanced glycation endproducts in SV40 MES 13 kidney cells

Yoonsook Kim – Korea Food Research Institute (Korea)

P51 - #41 - Anti-anaemic assay of freeze dried Jatropha tanjorensis and Telfairia occidentalis leave extracts in rats

Funmilola Adefolalu – African Centre of Excellence for Mycotoxins and Food Safety/ Federal University of Technology (Nigeria)

P52 - #10 - Delphinidin suppresses disuse muscle atrophy and upregulates microRNA-23a-3p expression in extracellular vesicles derived from intestinal cells

Hirofumi Tachibana – Kyushu University (Japan)


 P53 - #119 - Nutrient composition and functional properties of sprouted sorghum and bambara nut flour for formulation of weaning diet

Akanya Helmina – Federal University of Technology (Nigeria)

P54 - #70 - Purification and structural characterization of sulfated polysaccharides obtained from brown algae, Sargassum binderi

Sang-Woon Lee – Jeju National University (Korea)

P55 - #50 - Detection of cyclic imidazole dipeptides in meat and processed meat products

Megumi Hosokawa – Tokyo Kasei University (Japan)

P56 - #48 - Evaluation of sphingolipids as functional food components

Tatsuya Sugawara – Kyoto University (Japan)

 Formulation and processing

 P57 - #146 - A mayonnaise naturally-enriched with high content of Z-lutein with higher physiological activity by the addition of natural spices and process optimization

Cheng Yang – Jiangnan University (China)

P58 - #35 - Effect of sprouting on antioxidant properties and volatile sulfur compounds of garlic

Jeehye Sung – Andong National University (Korea)

P59 - #52 - Carotenoid and mineral content of watercress (Nasturtium floridanum): Effects of processing, on-farm collection, and comparisons with Nasturtium officinale R. Br

Taryn Nakamura – University of Hawaii at Manoa (USA)

P60 - #125 - Effect of vacuum treatment on γ-aminobutyric acid accumulation in germinated black soybeans (Glycine max (L.) Merr.)

Min-Jie Chen – Fu Jen Catholic University (Taiwan)

P61 - #114 - Lipase-catalyzed incorporation of long chain omega-3 polyunsaturated fatty acids into virgin coconut oil

Lanh Nguyen – Memorial University (Canada)

P62 - #109 - Exosome-like nanoparticles isolated from kale and their microRNA enhanced collagen production in NB1RGB skin fibroblast cells

Peihan Hsu – Graduate School of Science and Technology (Japan)

P63 - #106 - Impact of Different Conditions of Spontaneous lactic acid fermentation on physicochemical properties of beetroot leaven

Izabela Staniszewska – University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn (Poland)

P64 - #102 - Functional properties of flaxseed albumin

Yusuke Yamaguchi – Nihon University (Japan)

P65 - #95  - Effects of brewing conditions on the phytochemical composition of black teas and their stability of flavor compounds

Chih-Yu Lo – National Chiayi University (Taiwan)

P66 - #145 - Low frequency – high intensity ultrasound treatment in flaxseed mucilage extraction and mucilage application as a fat replacer in hazelnut spread

Farah Hosseinian – Carleton University (Canada)

P67 - #110 - The flavonoid contents of calamondin peel are processed with hot air drying and freezing drying and extracted with different solvents

Yen Chen Tung – National Ilan University (Taiwan)

P68 - #141 - Okara as a source of fiber and phytonutrients in tofu after processing with ultra-high pressure homogenization

William Kerr – University of Georgia (USA)

P69 - #172 - Effect of pulsed light on curcumin chemical stability and antioxidant capacity

David D. Kitts – University of British Columbia (Canada)

P70 - #180 - A study of physicochemical and functional properties of screw press extracted protein fraction from cricket

Insang Cho – Graduate School, Korea University (Korea)

P71 - #77 - Stabilization of an algal oil with tocopherols and phospholipids from krill oil

Abrehem Abad – Memorial University (Canada)

P72 - #122 - Pacific oysters as a model for in silico discovery of bioactive peptide

Jung Kwon – Oregon State University (USA)

P73 - #152(+)-Catechin hydrate ameliorates cerulein-induced chronic pancreatitis via the inactivation of TGF-β/Smad2 signaling

Bitna Kweon –  Wonkwang University

P74 - #153 Ojeoksan Ameliorates Cisplatin-Induced Acute Kidney Injury in Mice by Downregulating MAPK and NF-κB Pathways

Dong-Uk Kim –  Wonkwang University

P75 - #154Inhibitory activity of Terminalia chebula extract against TNF-α/IFN-γ-induced chemokine increase on human keratinocyte, HaCaT cells

Il-Joo Jo –  Wonkwang University

P76 - #211 - The effects of astaxanthin on adipogenesis and lipid accumulation in human ASCs

Fiorenzo Toncan –  University of Hawai'i at Manoa

 Registration Types & Fees

Until August 10, 2023
After August 10, 2023
Member $495 $575
Non-Member $575 $645
Student Member $225 $275
Student Non-Member $275 $325
Accompanying Person $100 $100
Exhibitor (Full Booth) $2,000 - 2 complementary registrations
Exhibitor (Table Top) $1,000 - 1 complimentary registration
Gala Dinner $95

 ⁃ Note to Canadian participants: Please use a conversion rate of 1.30

⁃ For Late and On-site Registrations, $100 will be added to the fees.

⁃  For registration, please download the Registration Form by clicking the button below, and send it to isnffsecretary@gmail.com after filling it out according to your registration preference.

⁃ Please note that the Exhibitor Registration Deadline is September 11, 2023.

 Conference Symposia

 We kindly invite academic personnel/faculty members, researchers, students as well as industry and government professionals interested in presenting their research findings as well as commercial developments in functional foods, nutraceuticals, natural health products, and dietary supplements or related topics, to participate in the ISNFF 2023 Annual Conference & Exhibition. The topics of interest include but are not limited to, those listed below.

Selected topics from oral and poster presentations will be considered for publication in the Journal of Food Bioactives (the official journal of ISNFF), published by ISNFF & Associates (http://www.isnff-jfb.com/index.php/JFB).


This main symposium recognizes the lifetime contributions and services of Professor Dr. Chi-Tang Ho of Rutgers University to the discipline of Food Chemistry, Nutraceuticals, and Functional Foods and the ISNFF. All colleagues and friends are invited to participate in and contribute to this important event.

 *Three-minute flash presentation student competition"


 ・Fermented Foods and Beverages

・Fruits and Vegetables

・Botanicals, Herbals, and Extract Supplements

・Marine Products

・Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa

・Soy and Legumes, Other Seeds and Spices

・Cannabis & Cannabinoids in Food, Beverages & Supplements


 ・Human Studies of Food Bioactives

・Bioactive Amino Acids, Peptides, and Proteins

・Functional Carbohydrates

・Functional Lipids

・Carotenoids and Other Natural Pigments


・Sulphur Compounds

・Probiotics, Prebiotics, Postbiotics, and gut microbiota

・Vitamins and Minerals


 ・Gastrointestinal Health and Diseases


・Allergy and Immune Modulation

・Metabolic Syndrome, Obesity and Diabetes

・Cardiovascular Health・Brain, Skin, and Bone Health

・Muscle Atrophy and Locomotive Syndrome

・Cancer Chemoprevention

・Nutritional Regulation of Epigenetics

・Antioxidant and Redox Regulation

・Food Factors and their Molecular Targets

・Chronobiology and Nutrition/Food

・Exosome and MicroRNA




 ・Omic Technologies (Metabolomics, Lipidomics, Proteomics) and other Analytical Methods, including in silico and molecular modeling



・Taste, Olfaction, and Sensory Aspects

・R&D of Functional Foods, Nutraceuticals, and Dietary Supplements

 The Important Dates

 Registration and Abstract Submission Start Date

March 15, 2023

Abstract Submission Deadline

August 1, 2023

(ABSTRACTS are still accepted for a limited time to accommodate those returning from vacation.!)

Early Bird Registration Deadline

August 10, 2023

Regular Registration Deadline

October 6, 2023

Exhibitor Registration Deadline

September 11, 2023

 International Advisory Board

 Dr. Cesarettin Alasalvar (Turkey)

Dr. Rotimi Aluko (Canada) 

Dr. Hitoshi Ashida (Japan)

Dr. Debasis Bagchi (USA) 

Dr. Colin Barrow (Australia) 

Dr. Bradley Bolling (USA)

Dr. Rong Cao (Tsao) (Canada)

Dr. Hongda Chen (USA)

Dr. Zhen-Yu Chen (Hong Kong)

Dr. Adriano C. de Camargo (Chile) 

Dr. Chi-Tang Ho (USA) 

Dr. Casie Ho (USA)

Dr. Charles Hu (USA)

Dr. Guangwei Huang (USA)

Dr. Amin Ismail (Malaysia)

Dr. You-Jin Jeon (Korea)

Dr. Bo Jiang (China)

Dr. Swati Kalgaonkar (USA)

Dr. Paul Kroon (UK)

Dr. Shiming Li (USA)

Dr. Yoshinori Mine (Canada)

 Dr. Kazuo Miyashita (Japan)

Dr. Christine Morand (France)

Dr. Akira Murakami(Japan)

Dr. Min-Hsiung Pan (Taiwan)

Dr. Ronald B. Pegg (USA) 

Dr. Pingfan Rao (China)

Dr. Shenming Sang (USA)

Dr. Kenji Sato (Japan)

Dr. Fereidoon Shahidi (Canada) 

Dr. Young-Joon Surh (Korea) 

Dr. Pierre Villneuve (France)

Dr. Chin-Kun Wang (Taiwan)

Dr. Daoying Wang (China)

Dr. Jiankang Wang (China)

Dr. Hanny Wijaya (Indonesia)

Dr. Jianping Wu (Canada)

Dr. Rickey Yada (Canada)

Dr. Gow-Chin Yen (Taiwan)

Dr. Liangli Yu (China & USA)

Dr. Jerzy Zawistowski (Canada)

Dr. Dayong Zhou (China)

 Conference Organizers

Drs. F.Shahidi, B.Bolling & R.B.Pegg

 Conference Venue

 Sheraton Princess Kaiulani

 The conference and exhibition will be held at Sheraton Princess Kaiulani Hotel located at 120 Kaiulani Avenue, Honolulu, HI 96815, USA (Phone: +1 808-922-5811).

For reservation, please make sure you mentioned 'ISNFF' to take advantage of the special rates, while our room allocation is still available.

 2023 Exhibitor Prospectus


 ・About Honolulu, Oahu

Hawaii’s Weather 

Airports serving Honolulu 

Getting Around Honolulu and Oahu 

About the Conference Hotel and Conference/Exhibition Site 

Some Things to do on Oahu 

About the ISNFF Exhibition 

Who Should Exhibit? 

Exhibitor Details & Deadlines

Payment, Allotment, Cancellation, and Indemnification

An Exhibition Booth Provides the Following Marketing Opportunities 

Who Will Attend? 

 Our Exhibitors

 Special Thanks to Our Sponsors!